Aged Eggnog

Prep Time:

Cook Time:





  1. Separate the eggs and store the whites for another application.
  2. Beat the yolks with the sugar and nutmeg in a large mixing bowl until the mixture lightens in color and falls off the whisk in a solid ribbon.
  3. Combine dairy, booze, and salt in a second bowl or pitcher and then slowly beat into the egg mixture.
  4. Move to a large glass jar (or a couple of smaller ones) and store in the fridge for a minimum of 2 weeks. A month would be better, and 2 better still. In fact, there’s nothing that says you couldn’t age it a year, but I’ve just never been able to wait that long. And yes, you can also drink it right away.
  5. Serve in mugs or cups topped with a little extra nutmeg grated on top.